What's Your Intention?

When you first start remembering past lives, you may find them absolutely intriguing.  You look forward to discovering the fascinating bits of history you uncover, gaining a broader perspective on relationships in this life, seeing astonishing vignettes filled with details you never could’ve made up.   

So cool, right?

There’s one common factor I emphasize to not only help my clients get the most value from discovering past lives, but to continue to have access to remembering them:  Make sure to have pure, Higher Consciousness reasons for wanting to explore them.  

So what does that mean?  

The purer the intent, the purer (and more powerful) the results. 

I’ll start by explaining what I mean by “impure motives.” 

Let’s compare it to going to a party specifically with the motive of meeting someone to date. You’ll probably be dolled up, flirty, tell amusing stories, be super charming, and maybe even exaggerate a few “facts” about yourself. 

Granted, you may end up meeting someone, however, since the connection isn’t from an authentic place, it probably won’t last.  Or, you’ll have to keep your game up for quite a while and that’s really exhausting.  You may even feel so guilty that you never follow through with calling that number slipped into your hand. 

Same holds true about looking at past lives.  Here are some common impure motives people often have, at least in the beginning.  Don’t worry, everyone starts here, and I myself have done a few of the following:

-         Wanting to prove something to someone (“See, you were wrong!  Past lives do exist!”)

-         Wanting attention (“Well, I’m working with this amazing hypnotherapist and she told me that I was the best client she ever worked with because it was so easy for me to find past lives!")

-         Wanting to impress people or any other ego-based motives (“Oh, by the way, I remembered that I was Cleopatra in a past life… isn’t that cool?”) (Note:  The amount of people who claim to have been Cleo in their past life is staggering.  So, trust me, you were not her!)

-         Wanting to control or manipulate someone (“Guess what?  I remembered that you and I were married in a previous life… so now you have to love me!”)

-         Wanting others to take the same past life journey (“Let’s find out how we knew each other in a past life… won’t that be fun?”)

On the other hand, here are the only motives to have when exploring past lives.  Again, don’t worry:  If you aren’t at a completely pure place yet, recognize and honor that, but strive to get there!

1)     To attain clarity about this life.  Understanding more about who you are and why you are here.  This can include seeing more aspects of who you were which can give you a bigger awareness of what you are here to learn, the lessons you brought with you, the challenges you need to face. 

 2)   To remember and release past life memories that are negatively affecting your current lifetime.  Things such as phobias that have no apparent present lifetime cause.  Or why certain people irritate you.  Or why you have a difficult time getting past certain financial barriers.  Addressing the root causes that trace back to previous lives can significantly affect this lifetime in positive ways.

3)   To get in touch with things you did in past lives so you can release guilt and find ways to clean them up.  By doing this, you can stop subconsciously punishing yourself so you can completely get your power back.  By the way, sometimes remembering negative things you did in past lives can temporarily bring up guilt, but there are ways to resolve that quickly.

 4)   To remember “soul relationships” that continue from other lifetimes.   This can allow you to understand what they are about, gain clarity as to the lessons to be learned, and clean up issues carried with you.  Doing this can allow you to be more able to fully connect, or choose to leave from feeling complete rather than from running away.

5)    To discover, clarify or awaken your Soul’s Purpose.   What are you supposed to be doing in this lifetime?  What is your Gift to bring the world?  How are you meant to express giving and receiving love in this life? 

Many people need to address issues from this life first before they are ready to confront past lives.  Like a logjam obstructing the flow of a river, we can’t go further until those blockages are removed. 

Finally, just so you know:  Your Higher Consciousness knows when you’re ready to see past lives and will only present memories you’re ready to handle.   In other words, you’ll probably remember being Cleopatra before remembering that you were Napoleon!