Transformation Through Lifetimes

A Path to Transformation for Louis

by Gayle Barklie, Certified Past Life and Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist

(original version published in The Newton Institute, "Stories of Life Between Lives" publication, May, 2017, reprinted September 2018)

I’m seeing a garden, mostly herbs, a cypress tree hanging down, spongy ground, a wedding ring pattern, ultramarine blue crystal, a well-defined, sweaty, dirty muscular male. Now, there’s black and yellow shapes in a light, and symbols etched on a stone…

This was only just the beginning of a session I conducted with Louis, an engineer who came to me wanting to understand why his life was always one big struggle.

When this tentative, fifty-year-old man came to my office, he was filled with inherent skepticism and doubt. Louis acknowledged having deep-seated reservations about doing this type of work because of the strong influence of several conservative, traditional religions in his background. However, there was so much going on in his life, he also knew he needed help.

In a hypnotic state, we began by delving into his childhood, then further back into time in his mother’s womb. Louis learned that life was a struggle right from conception, and he even had a difficult time connecting with his body in utero. Suddenly, he became aware that his parents had wanted a girl and were not at all happy that he was a boy.

From then on, life was a struggle to receive love, and he had continued that pattern into his present day marriage. He found himself constantly asking: Why am I still here?

As we went further back in his regression session, without explanation as to what to expect, Louis spontaneously connected with past life and between lives memories. He saw and felt every detail as I would pose questions to him. At first, images of people would come through like silhouettes, then come into focus. He would also see colors and shapes that would eventually morph into places and things.

A strong memory then emerged…

I’m in a battle in a jungle… Somehow I got away… Deep cut on my chest. A woman with cinder-brown hair, olive complexion and green eyes finds me… She takes me to her village where the houses all have thatched roofs… She is so concerned, so caring. That’s her name: “Green Eyes”… It’s dark, I sleep… It feels safe… Other women arrive to take care of me… They nurture me back to health… I survive.

As the session continued, more details emerged from that life:

Green Eyes puts her hand on my chest, her other hand on her heart. She chose me. It feels amazing, like I’ve come home, but it’s not my home. I see us standing together and I’m wearing a sapphire medallion, the same ultramarine blue I saw before. It’s our wedding. I don’t know how I know this, but it’s a Mayan ceremony– the symbols I saw on the stone are Mayan.

He then fast forwarded to the end of that life.

I’m an old man, dying. Everyone was so genuine and kind, taking me in so generously. There were so many lessons I was supposed to learn there, all about the importance of really learning to love. Love and friendship, peace and innocence, the four most important things. I have to open my heart!

Those last six words were key for him:

I have to open my heart.

What occurs in past and between lives is held in our deepest subconscious memories. Accessing those memories can provide profound understanding about who we are, why we are here and lessons yet to learn. Getting in touch with the planning we undertake between lives — the choices we made, the instructions we were given, the wisdom we obtained — can change this life in countless and beautiful ways.

After letting go of childhood and past life traumas, along with awakening to his past and between life memories, issues started to gently fall away for Louis. He had been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, and following our session together, without changing his diet or lifestyle, his body spontaneously lost 35 pounds. He no longer needed extra weight to protect him. His blood sugar also normalized, much to the amazement of his doctor.

My client was thrilled to discover the treasure trove of information to be learned from accessing hidden memories. Things he’d sensed about his Soul Purpose started to manifest. The lessons he was supposed to learn became a joyous adventure rather than something to avoid. Things that had occurred in this life made sense, by seeing the bigger picture. His consciousness awakened as to why he had chosen this existence.

Louis felt relieved, empowered, and in touch with the wisdom of the ages just by accessing his these powerful memories. This inner journey was even more significant since his traditional religious background wasn’t supportive of doing this type of work. Remarkably however, he found that this exploration only enhanced an already strong commitment to his faith in a deeper, more tangible way.

After these between life memories appeared, Louis’s logical mind needed a bit of validation. I discussed the documented scientific evidence proving what he’d gotten in touch with, which helped him trust it even more. Unlike traditional religious notions about heaven and hell, or the “rest period” concept, Louis’s spontaneous personal experience allowed him to know, and live, his own truth.

What an honor it was for me to help Louis, to not only get in touch with his life lessons, but to have such a powerful, life changing experience. ♥

(Louis is a pseudonym and some details have been changed to protect the privacy of this client)

What Can Happen From Remembering Past Lives?

Although getting in touch with who you were in previous incarnations can be interesting (Spoiler Alert:  Chances are you were NOT Cleopatra!), the therapeutic value is literally life-transforming. 

Discovering past lifetimes still unknowingly impacting your consciousness can bring understanding, awareness and peace into your current life. 

Remarkably, releasing deeply-held traumatic events from other lives can help heal current life issues, bringing compassion toward yourself and others. 

Even more, you can be freed to manifest what you are here to do, your Soul Purpose in being. 

Taking time to look at, appreciate, and resolve past lives can release you from their subconscious hold and bring wholeness, connection and spiritual expansion.

Although past life regression therapy is not for everyone, if you feel ready to explore, contact Gayle Barklie to start your inner-discovery process.

Gayle is a certified hypnotherapist and received advanced training in spiritual regression at the Newton Institute of Life Between Lives. 

She will facilitate your inner journey with compassion, wisdom and true caring.