Silver Linings

The other day a friend asked:  What silver linings could there possibly be from this pandemic?

As a psychotherapist doing past and between-lives regression healing work, clients frequently remember that lifetimes are chosen for the spiritual awakenings they provide.  That holds true even during challenging, victimized existences.  Like now. 

As you delve past superficial layers, looking for lessons, there are valuable insights available to learn from all events. Then, experiences that are filled with devastation and defeat, can shift into empowerment, mastery and even allow for positive contributions.

As you look at the Bigger Picture, Covid-19 is an extraordinary kick-in-the-butt. It is inspiring massive personal growth in individuals, along with accelerating the evolution of the collective consciousness.  Old paradigms are shifting, priorities are rearranging. People are standing up for what’s right, offering compassionate support to others in ways they may never have considered.  

Social distancing along with intense triggering of old traumas is providing time for crucial, inner-healing, introspective work. People are realizing the importance of decluttering, both externally and internally.

Lack of busy-ness is allowing for creativity and perhaps innovation that could undoubtedly change the world.  

This all-in-the-same-boat time is compelling authenticity. Pretenses are vanishing as people deeply connect through shared fear and panic. We cling together, supporting one another, offering empathy as well as compassion..  

Planetarily, the environment is being gifted with a purifying reset.  With fewer cars on the road, polluting factories shut down, and only shopping for essentials, Mother Earth got a chance to breathe. Happily, she breathed a big sigh of relief. 

People are learning to rely on themselves, developing new skills and reawakening long-dormant, inner-intuitive guidance.  These strengths will endure.

As my clients attest when doing deep inner work, once you know, you can’t unknow.  When denial no longer works, nothing will ever be the same.  This is definitely a shift into a New Normal.

Although it might be uncomfortable sitting upside down in uncertainty, truth is we’ve all spent our entire existence preparing for this time. It’s time for Real Love to emerge as we finally see the light at the end of lifetimes of tunneling.  


Gayle Barklie CCHT, MFC.  Soul Purpose Maui:  Transform!  Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives, Clinical Art Therapy, Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy, Marriage and Family Counseling since 1991.  REMOTE SESSIONS AVAILABLE (808) 344-5688

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